The Hidden Mystery Behind Juicers

The Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite is a powerful centrifugal juicer with many

Great features and very few drawbacks.
This mid-priced juicer is very similar to the much more expensive Breville
BJE820XL, even though it doesn't feature a puree disk and offers slightly less electricity.
In my view, the differences are negligible, making this cheaper option a fine

That said, different people require different things from their juicers. In this

qualities, special features, and drawbacks. I hope to help you decide if this is the
Right juicer for you -- or at least help you limit your choices.
Extreme Style and Durability

cappuccino machine.

Moreover, the stainless steel exterior lends to the superior durability of this
particular juicer. Unlike many plastic juicers, you will never need to worry that
Parts of the Elite will melt as you juice at high speeds and your motor grows
Packs a Punch

Since centrifugal juicers work by spinning blade
Discs to break down food and extract juices, it's necessary that the motor of this
Type of juicer is powerful enough to handle the speeds at which the blade must
This Specific juicer has two speed settings, distinguished by their ability to break
down specific foods.
Ideal for breaking down soft foods like bananas and oranges. Harder foods
Such as pineapples and carrots can be divided up at the high speed of 13,000
RPM. Although I would worry if Breville had placed a 600 or 700-watt motor in
the Juice Fountain Elite, I can rest easy knowing that they chose a 1000-watt

No Hassle
Many of the special features included in the Juice Fountain Elite are based around
convenience. For example, the large 3-inch wide feeder tube makes it easy to
Drop entire fruits and vegetables inside.
The large pulp container means that You Won't have to stop in the middle of a
task to empty it out. Also, optional juicer bags can be placed in the pulp
collector and folded over its edges, much like a garbage bag. When you have
Completed your juicing tasks, you just lift the juicer bag out of the pulp
collector and pitch it into your rubbish disposal. Talk about an easy clean up.
Another Superb addition is the one-liter juice pitcher which features a built-in
froth separator. You Won't need to try to separate froth by skimming the top of
your juice with a flat spoon (this is what I often do when working with a
Centrifugal juicer) -- the juicer will do all of the work for you.
A Smart Machine
This Breville juicer includes a special sensor which will shut the entire system
down if it detects the possibility of the motor overheating or if it believes the
Machine has been overloaded with food. To disengage this 'overload protection,'
Simply unplug your Juice Fountain, allow it to cool, press the reset switch and
then carry on.
Another Wonderful feature which relies on the intelligent design of this machine is
its safety locking feature. Like many other Breville juicers, the Elite Juice Fountain
Will not run without the lid being firmly attached, and the lid won't open if the
juicer is running.
A major drawback I found is that the juice spout appears to sit rather low, which
Will make it quite difficult to fit a juice pitcher beneath it. In fact, it appears as if
You'll need to make just 1 glassful at a time. This may be especially
Frustrating if you are trying to create an entire pitcher for your loved ones or during a
party you're hosting.
I am also slightly put off by the fact that many less expensive juicers have multiple
Speed settings for different kinds of foods. Although I am happy to see at least
Two speed settings and don't believe that five or more speed settings are
Necessary, I do believe that at least three speeds would be wonderful to see on such an
expensive centrifugal juicer. That way, you will be able to effectively and
Efficiently extract juice from medium density foods like apples and pineapples
Without having to use the high speed setting, which is ideal for carrots and other
hard, low-juice foods.
Although consumer reviews for the 800JEXL Juice Fountain are amazingly positive,
A couple of core themes ran through the negative reviews I was able to discover. Typical
complaints for centrifugal juicers were the most common and included things like
The juicer makes a lot of noise, and it requires a lot of fruits and vegetables to get
Small quantities of juice. One major complaint I found, which was not part of the
Normal complaints against centrifugal juicers, was that some people have had
Problems with the Juice Fountain Elite leaking. Not enough people reported this
Problem for me to be concerned it's a major manufacturing issue -- the
Vast majority of people did not experience this problem -- but it is still something to be
aware of.
Closing Remarks
As always, I would like to point out that if You're looking for high juice yields,
Absolutely no froth, and a juicer which easily breaks down leafy greens, there is
No centrifugal juicer on the market which may satisfy your needs. Therefore, this
Juicer won't be the one for you.
However, if you are looking for a Fast and easy juicing experience You're on the
right track. Style, durability, and the high-efficiency motor of this Juice Fountain
Elite are features that make it a top competitor in its price class among centrifugal
juicers. Its additional safety and convenience features place it a step above much
of the competition. Nothing is without its drawbacks, however, so it is important
To bear in mind the drawbacks as outlined above.


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